I Just Booked A Room At The Hurt Hotel
Download MP3Aren't you tired of having a bad attitude? Aren't you tired of having hate in your heart? We talk about how to replace "Hate" with "Faith" and treating others the way you want others to treat you.
Sometimes, I wake up in the morning and feel like, yeah! Then, there are days I feel like yuk! How many of you guys feel like t hat? Sometimes your life is a mental rollercoaster. How often do you wake up and say, "I feel like running a mile!" But how many days do you wake up and say, "Feels like I just got hit by a truck!" I had to learn to retrain my brain. And it's a work in progress. There are days I feel great and there are days I feel hate! Now, hate is a powerful word but it's an emotion I think we all need to take a look at. You see, hate is a very unstable emotion. I could just love you today but later in the day, my subconscious reminds me by bringing up some old crap, why I should hate you. But hate is not a mysterious guest at the Hurt Hotel. At the Hurt Hotel, we have to welcome all guests and visitors and so hurt is welcomed. But, "You don't have to welcome hurt!" Well, you may ask, where do these emotions come from? Why am I so resentful and hate others? Why do I choose to like certain people, family members, or animals and hate the rest? Let me tell you, I've learned to work on turning that bad noise down in my head. I replace it with good noise. You see, as an example, I've had friends to call me. But it would play out like this. I would be sitting at my computer, just surfing the internet, waiting for my favorite t.v. series to come on. No one calls me. But then, come on ya'll! You know where I'm going with this. As soon as I get my popcorn and soda and get all comfortable for my show, my cell phone rings! Now, put in the comments section below how many times that h as happened to you! I'm not the only one this has happened to! Now, I had a choice to make. Do I answer the call or not. I've learned that people just want to feel like they belong. I've traveled the world over about 4 times and one thing we all have in common is to want to feel loved and a sense of belonging. With that said, I had to learn to be a friend. If I want friends, I have to learn to be a friend and a damn good one! My friends will tell you, Charles will be the friend you've never had. Those who are my friend in my life. I had to learn that, Charles, this guy or girl didn't know you were about to watch t.v. Be nice and tell them in a nice way and not be a snob about it. Learn to be the light! But I didn't get here overnight. I had to learn to be a friend. I had to want to be a good friend. I had to want friends! So, I knew what I had to do. I had to start with loving myself! To do that, I had to be still before God! I had to work on strengthening my faith. I had to have an open and honest chat with my heavenly father...with God! So, I started small by meeting God everyday for 5 to 10 minutes. My crazy funny friend once told me, "Charles, I waited on Jesus to pick me up!" I said, "So what happened? He said, "I too a bus! He never showed up!" I said, "Dude! Your friend's name is Jesus not Jesus!" You, see, my God , my Jesus will show up in my life as long as I give him the opportunity. God gives us the ability to make a choice. We can either choose to: Be snobbish, to be sneaky, to be honest, to be fair, to be forgiving, to be fair, to be open, to be receptive. When God comes into your life, all those nasty ways you had will simply cease to exists but only if you let God move in your life. Well, Charles, what is faith? Faith is to believe in oneself and allow God to come into your life and take control. You may say, "Well, I'm rich! I have money and I'm fine!" Let me tell you something, God gave that money and he can take it away. You may say, "But I like acting this way...making others know I don't like them in the way I treat them or not even include them." I will say, you're checked into The Hurt Hotel. You're just hurting yourself. So, let's begin to check-out of this sad, Hurt Hotel. And ways you can start is by: 1. Pray. Ask God to change your heart. 2. Be generous to others. 3. Get inspired. 4. Get the ball rolling first thing in the mornings. 5. Check-out The Hurt Hotel. Remember: Treat others with love and kindness and ask yourself, the way you treat others, could you be a friend to yourself acting that way? Would you like to be treated the way you're treating others? Be honest! Some people can dish it out but that can't take it. Some people love to see others sad and lift out. Some people are sick and feeling depressed and don't know why. The answer is simple. Change your negative ways of live and how you treat others to positive ways and true love! And then, watch God move in your life!